Friday, March 28, 2014

A 'Heartbreaking' No or a 'Joyful' Yes!!

After a lovely chat time I had on Real FM 97.5, I tried penning down a few lines on a shy guy’s proposal to his beloved and the moments spent by him waiting for a ‘heartbreaking’ No or a ‘joyful’ Yes. शुरू हुई जो कहानी वो पहली मुलाकात से, आगे बढ़ी थी वो कहानी जो बातों वाली रात से.. तेरे रूठने में भी अलग प्यार नज़र आता था, तुझसे होने लगी थी मोहब्बत, तेरी हर बात से.. दुआ करते हैं के सदा साथ हम तेरा यूँ ही निभायें, तेरी ज़िंदगी में यूँ...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

An Out-of-the-Box Movie - SunSilk RealFM!!

“Hello!! Sat Sri Akal. This is your host and dost for the evening, Simar. You are listening to Real FM 97.5.“ Well, call it my childhood dream or the effect #SunSilkRealFM movie had upon me, I am still on RJ mode.  It’s been 3 days since I had a chance to be a part of exclusive screening of the movie hosted by, but the moments watching it are still...